You are such a good baby! Within the past week, I have taken you to an Art Center meeting (slept the entire time). My doctor's appointment (slept the whole time). We had family visit for the weekend and you were quite enjoyed. I was reluctant to try to take you to the Cars 2 movie that our nieces wanted to see but again, you slept the entire time. The next day, we went to the zoo and guess what? You slept through most of it. When you were awake, you were all smiles. You drank your bottle while peacocks wandered around you (they like to hang out around the restaurant for bits of food).

I got the best picture of a peacock that I have ever gotten! I still can't believe it! He was showing off for one of the females.
I am so glad that you like to go places and I hope it continues. Do you want to go for a walk today? How about Michael's?
Oh! Keep this up, Miss Heather! That is the sweetest thing. I used to write letters to family and friends from my baby son's point of view and there was talk of making it a children's book at one time. I wish that I had kept that up. And Baby Richard has gotten so big since I saw him at B&B! And so engaging. How nice that he is so good. Enjoy the day!
You are truly blessed to have such a cutie and so cooperative, too! I would go everywhere and anywhere you need and want to, in case it doesn't last! haha Or he may grow into it, travels with Mom could become his young lifestyle :)
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