Do you remember - probably about 10 years ago - pottery shard pendants were quite the trend. Any fashion magazine you flipped through, you would see them or some celebrity wearing one. They were on back order at Fire Mountain Gems forever and if you tried to snag one on eBay, you'd pay a pretty penny. I just loved them and it didn't matter to me that they were a trend. It was one of those things that I was still going to wear long after it went out. I loved the colors and patterns and the idea that a piece of a unique object was being used in jewelry. I eventually got my order from Fire Mountain Gems - above are a few that I have left.
A few weeks ago, while paging through a new Fire Mountain Gems catalog I received, I saw that they now made links! I still like this concept (the pottery pieces) and decided to order some. I immediately thought of making a bracelet with them - that's another thing I love, a collection of the same things. Below is the result and it's now listed in my Etsy shop!
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