This was definitely a different summer for me. True, I did a lot of the usual things I do every summer, but also missed out on a few. But it was still wonderful!!! I didn't know what to expect when I thought about having a new baby and knowing that my maternity leave would fall over the warmest months of the year. Of course I was ecstatic, but I knew it would take some adjusting too. Richard could not be more laid back so I certainly didn't feel confined to the house at all. We get out almost every day, whether it be a trip to the store or just meeting a friend for coffee. Other days though, it's nice to know that I can just stay in my pajamas all day too.
The time has gone so fast. But even though it has gone fast, it seems like forever ago that I was pregnant. Or that he was so tiny. Does that make sense? Each day is gone in an instant, especially when you think about it in 4 hour time blocks. When he's ready to eat again, I think oh my gosh it's been 4 hours - what have I done in all that time? You'd think that when he is napping that I'd get a lot done - all the day dreams you have when you are working full time of making jewelry all day isn't a reality. It's quickly cleaning up the kitchen, grabbing a shower, doing some laundry. I will say that the internet is such a time sucker! I'd really like to work on cutting my time down on it. So if I were to ever become a stay at home Mom, I'd really have to discipline myself.
I have one more week off before I go back to work. He will start daycare two days next week so that we (aka Mom) can ease into it. It's going to be hard, but we'll all be alright. I plan to use those two days to work on a ton of jewelry - I hope the motivation and creativity will be there when the time comes. I am working on several pieces for a special project that I will share with you soon. In the meantime though, I just listed these two bracelets in my Etsy shop. They are very "Fall" feeling to me. I guess no matter what, we can't deny how fast the seasons change.

so cool!!!
Becoming a mother changes everything, Miss Heather! And I too had these grandiose dreams for cramming a lot into those little chunks of time. I still do. But I have to be realistic. Every moment that I am spending on this damn computer is one moment wasted with creating or spending time with the ones I love. So I have taken your advice and this is the last comment for the day. Enjoy every moment with Richard. And do be good to yourself. You will get through this next adjustment of going back to work, and your son will have the chance to be loved by others as well!
Enjoy the day!
I know exactly what you mean! I have a five year old and a seven month old and although the days fly by it's sometimes hard to remember the time when we had just the one son!
Your Richard is a cutie. I'm sure he'll take to childcare really well. My Jamie is about to start one day a week at the same childminder my eldest goes to after school a couple of days a week. I know he's going to have a great time and be well looked after, but I'm torn between guilt at having someone else look after my baby for 8 hours a week and excitment at having some uninterrupted time working on my business!
What a beautiful blog. Congratulations on your lovely baby. Your work is gorgeous. Hope to visit again soon.
love your jewelry! please take a look at mine! i have a shop on etsy. it's called Lila's Trunk! thanks! shelly
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