Friday, November 30, 2018

November Reads

The Good Demon by Jimmy Cajoleas
Coming off of Halloween, I wanted to read something haunting and The Good Demon fit the bill. I didn't realize, until I was into reading it, that it could be considered Young Adult (YA). I typically don't go for YA, but I liked this one because it wasn't "drama" filled. The main character, Clare, has a demon exorcized from her and is fighting to get it back. As the story unfolds, she discovers plans in place that were bigger than she could have ever realized. It was dark and interesting without being too scary. Highly recommend!
The House Girl by Tara Conklin
This is one of those stories that flashes between past and present. Lina Sparrow is a lawyer who has been tasked with finding a key descendant (plaintiff) to benefit from a history making case on slavery. The art world winds itself into the story a couple of ways..... Lina's father is an artist who is opening a show based on Lina's deceased mother, and she struggles to get him to talk about the past. As she dives deeper into her case, she discovers artwork credited to a pre-war artist that might have actually been created by her slave Josephine. A very rich story which I truly enjoyed!
The Adults by Caroline Hulse
I was anxious to read this to get into the holiday spirit. It's the story of two ex's who, for the sake of their daughter, decide to spend the holidays together at a resort along with their now significant others. What could go wrong? This was a fun read with good character development, and I was pleased with how it ended after the climax event.
The Last Woman in the Forest by Diane Les Becquets
to be released March 5, 2019
Another selection to get into the Winter season, I could hardly put this book down! Marian moves where her job takes her. She works with rescue dogs on projects to track endangered species. The work requires long hours in remote places with very little comforts. She becomes involved with a man in the same program, and they are soon parted by different assignments. Unfortunately, Tate dies tragically and as Marian grieves she soon starts to question things about the man she loved. Is he responsible for a series of unsolved murders? Did she really know him at all? Was she his next victim? This is the perfect book to cozy up with!

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