The first month of this new year, I am dedicating myself to raising money for my local Art Center. As I start my second year as Treasurer there, I see first hand the struggles we face as a non-profit organization. Especially during these tough economic times.
I have added several new pieces to my Etsy shop, and am offering FREE SHIPPING the entire month. All sales will go directly to the Art Center, towards our Sustainable Growth campaign. You can read the letter we sent out below. It details our successes, as well as our upcoming challenges.
And stay tuned for an eBay auction I will soon launch to raise money as well. I am making some extra special pieces with some extra special beads!

The Art Center of Battle Creek is launching our Sustainable Growth Campaign 2009-2010. We will create real sustainability with donors offering a $1 match for every $1 raised. In this board initiated program, each member of the Board of Directors has been challenged to raise $1,000 themselves!
Our membership has grown to over 325 for the first time in over five years. We are continually being asked to expand our programs, which we do with no additional staff. Art Reach has expanded from its origins at Marian Burch Adult Day Care to include Northpointe Woods and the VA Hospital. The Federal Center is the next addition to this program. And if you have not seen the newly revamped studios—air duct cleaning was completed in August as well as a total refinishing of the studio floors and a new look for the walls!
The Art of Aviation brought together ten internationally known artists who were so impressed they hope to have their International Aviation Artist Forum here in 2012! Annual exhibitions include the Michigan Artist Competition that allows artists from across the state to showcase their work. The only venue in Calhoun County for children’s art is our Class Act. We showcase our tremendous local and regional talent throughout the year and offer the opportunity to learn about other cultures through our cultural exhibits.
This year we are part of a collaboration to gain storage space for archival materials and artwork outside the Art Center. We hope that this project will lead to the expansion of our exhibition area to increase our exhibit programming!
We continually looked for ways to increase revenue without relying on grant dollars. The Art Fair continues to grow and flourish. Our Michigan’s Palette Gift/Gallery Shop has been expanded and sales have gone over budgeted goals. Through the shop and Holly Mart we now provide services to between 50 and 80 Michigan artists. The sale of their work benefits the artists and also the Art Center. Our dedicated volunteers put in over 1,900 hours of time this past year, valued at over $39,000!
The Art Center is a valuable asset to this community. We know you understand this value. We are asking you to help us reach our Sustainable Growth Campaign goals with your contribution.
What do your donations help to fund at the Art Center of Battle Creek? Here are but a few areas where donations are of critical importance:
· $ 500 pays for one instructor to teach 6- four week classes at one of our Art Reach locations during a 6 months’ time frame.
· $ 100 pays for one Scholarship student to take one of our classes for one semester.
· $ 600 pays for an exhibition which includes gallery installation, reception and the printing and postage of the announcements.
· $ 50 is the average cost of setting up our activity area on Kidspace which changes each month to accompany our exhibitions.
· Traveling exhibitions that could be accommodated within our gallery cost on the average $4,000 to rent plus shipping expenses.
· $ 250 pays the insurance for a one month exhibition.
· $ 200 provides a child’s activity at our annual Art Fair or at one of our other outreach sites during the year.
· $350 pays for live entertainment at the event.
· $35,000 is the cost of a new roof—which the Art Center will have to begin saving for within the next 5 years