Let me start out by saying last week kinda sucked. The first week of every month of my job is spent closing the books of the previous month. It's a week of lots of stress and long hours. Add into that the fact that I am now covering for someone who is out on maternity leave through the rest of the year, so I had double the stress. Then, about midweek I get a call from my husband who was on his way home from work when some maniac decided to hit him for no apparent reason.... not once, but 3 times. All is fine, everyone is fine, and the insurance will work it all out. No need to rehash all of the details again.
The only thing that got me through the week was looking forward to my parents coming to visit for the weekend, and the promise of beautiful weather! We planned to go to the
Meijer Gardens on Saturday to see the
Chihuly installation they had this year. It was wonderful and a good time was had by all! The blown glass sculptures were as spectacular as I thought they would be.

Stop back tomorrow for a special announcement!!!
Lucky you to see Chihuily installed in such a beautiful setting! So glad that your hubby is OK.
Ack! So sorry about the crappy week. I think it must have been catching. Although this week looks worse for me!
But those sculptures are so cool! I love Chihuly's work. He did a huge installation at the UW Madison Kohl Center. He went to Madison for school. And I went to the Hot Glass Roadshow last week so I have a perfect appreciation for how those things get made now. Fascinating.
Enjoy the day!
Looks like a beautiful exhibit! Love Chihuily!
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